A golden girl in her twenties—ambitious, talented, great at sport, academia and in her career. Then her ‘perfect’ world completely fell apart. Eight years of intense mental pain and emotional turmoil;, where she withstood lies, injustices, betrayal, greed, manipulation and more. Yet she chose to face head on with every storm to consciously rebuild her life and heal from the physical, mental, emotional and psychological trauma.

With qualifications in Master’s of Business Administration (sustainablity), Commerce, Business (HR), Photography (Fine Art), Life Coaching, Presenting, NLP and Writing, Participant (100+)and Facilitator of (40+) spiritual programs by Life Bliss University (India) and Head of Australian operations.

An international business consultant, GM, mentor, multi-business owner, facilitator, interview host, speaker and mindset and life coach, host to two interview series (70,000 views organically via Facebook) and creator of high impact communities online called Global Frequency Movement and Global Frequency Collective. 

Her specialty: Helping you Stay in Your Personal Power as you commit to uplevelling your life so you can live the life where you get to have it all. 

What she offers: Either a one-on-one personal immersion experience with limited intakes annually by application or by partnering with her in one of her high vibe, high frequency affiliated opportunities- just reach out to one of the platforms below and let’s have a conversation

Annamaya is also open to collaborations, please email hello@iamannamaya.com

Website: iamannamaya.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/annamaya.ananda
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamannamaya/